Full Screen Youtube Videos


This actually has nothing to do with Australia, but I thought I would post it anyway as youtube is immensly popular here, and everywhere for that matter. If you want to watch youtube videos in full screen mode, instead of that sucky small box here is the trick, and an example:

Regular video URL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qr-KA8bxAY *

Make it into this: www.youtube.com/watch/v/1Qr-KA8bxAY

All you do is after "watch" take out the "?" and "="and add in two "/" before and after the "v"

So youtube gives you: /watch?v=whatever video name/numbers are

You change it to : /watch/v/whatever video name/numbers are

Simply replace the ?v= in the normal youtube address with /v/

*Please excuse the creepy puppet video, I just snatched it off the front page to use as an example.