These are not cold hard facts, feel free to research yourself - this is just a quick 20 minute comparison.
I googled Australian hosting providers, here are stats from five separate companies for 1000MB hostings:
-1st - $359
- 2nd - $525
- 3rd - $525
- 4th - $490
- 5th - $792
Average price = $537*
*And this was me being nice, I skipped the host that was charging $1,500 a year! Also, google "free hosting + 1000 MB" and see how many companies offer that amount for free. Alot!
Hostgator is one the most popular hosting sites wordwide, many Aussies use them. They also seem to offer far more features with their hosting plans compared to most Australian hosts.
The smallest package they do is 350,000 MB for $60 a year, which equals an approximate annual price for 1000MB of 17 cents.
17 cents compared to an average of $532!
Even taking a brief look at domains with a dot info domains comparison:I checked five Australian sellers; $25, $28, $13, $16 and $28 for an average of $22
Compared to the $1.12 cost from
Let’s take a webmaster running twenty sites over 10 years.
[20] Info domains bought through Australia = $4,400, only $224 through godaddy
[20]1000 MB hosting bought through Australia = $106,400
[20]1000 MB hosting bought through Hostgator = $600 [w/over 300,000 extra MB]
So hosting within Australia over 10 years could cost about $111,000 and with international purchases about $650 total.
For a difference of over $110,000 or about 170 times more expensive.
This is not a slam, but I honestly wonder why anyone hosts in Australia?